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Modern Australian

The term Modern Australian arises when the influence of globalisation, mainly the exotic flavour of South East Asians, is fused with contemporary food.
z99 Sixpenny Restaurant
Quay Restaurant
Poached eggs from West Juliett
2 5458

Review:One weekend, my friends took me to a café that I was not quite aware of (it was out of my area). When we...
Brandy Snap Taco

Review:This week, we were in a pretty rare occasion that...
View from Cafe Sydney
1 8923

Review:Cafe Sydney is probably one of only a few restaurants in Sydney with...
Wood fired bread, butter, black garlic salt - $3

Review: You might be wondering why I put a picture of the bread and butter as the main picture that represents Balthazar Restaurant. It was...
Barramundi from Nine Fine Food
1 6529

Review:One evening, I was walking around with a couple of friends in Northbridge in Perth. We couldn’t decide where to eat and had to...
6 10662

Review for lunch menu:Our rare moment without the little guy was spent for lunch at...