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Home Japanese How to Cook Kobe Beef


This week I am not going to review a restaurant or any particular events, but I am going to share information on how to cook one of the rarest, if not THE rarest, beef in this world. Kobe beef is technically a type of wagyu beef that have marbling score of 6 or more. It also has strict conditions to qualify the ‘Kobe’ status, as seen on this page ‘’. I have never found this beef in Sydney, but by a chance I found it on David Jones Bondi Junction meat department.

Kobe Beef

Due to its delicate nature, we need to cook it perfectly. It is important to not have the Kobe beef in frozen condition prior to cooking. You might need to thaw them in your fridge for a day if it was frozen. With the seasoning, it’s best to just have a bit of salt and pepper. Marinade is strongly not recommended because you will lose the meat’s distinct texture.

Cook Kobe Beef

After the preparation, everything else is done only in two or less minutes. We want the end product to be medium rare towards rare. Most people start the cooking process with pre-heating the non-stick pan. We heat up the pan with maximum heat until the surface produces light smoke (Important!). We also don’t use any oil since the fat itself will cover it. When the pan is ready, seared the meat on to the pan and immediately turns down the heat. Allow 15 seconds of cooking on each side, then with an even lower heat, cook them for a further 45 seconds – 1 minute for each side.

You can have a side sauce according to your taste, but the Japanese-style sauce is a combination of soy sauce and mirin with a little bit of sesame oil and Grape seed oil.



David Jones Bondi Junction


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